Resolutions - A Review
So, last year's resolutions - How'd that turn out for me?
1. Lose more weight (84 pounds was the goal.) Yeah, pretty much blew that one. Although, I didn't gain any weight - I just held steady for the whole year. And really, in the last two weeks, I have had a quick burst of weight loss. I lost 6 pounds on the trip to London cause I hate their food and cause for some odd reason, 1,000 year old towers and abbeys do not have elevators - just lots and lots of steps. And lost another 4 in the two days before New Years due to some kind of stomach flu. So, 10 pounds down is a weight loss, so I'll take that as a win. I just didn't cover the point spread.
2. Travel more often. Let's see - went to Los Angeles, Dallas, Las Vegas three times, and a trip to London with my nephew. So, fewer destinations, but more trips overall - and definitely more distance covered. And every trip was a good one - so bonus points for that!
3. Still nothing to see here.
4. Get a new and improved job.Managed to do that within the first 2 weeks of the year. Earning a little more money, and learning a lot. Not sure it is the right fit for long term, but am trying to pick up all that I can so that I can leverage it into something even better.
5. Sell old house for my asking price. Move to new house.Had to come down off the asking price by a few thousand, but it all worked out perfectly. Sold the old one and then closed on the new one within a week of each other. Now, if I could just finish unpacking all those boxes.
6. Spend more time with the people I that love and that love me back. As opposed to spending more time with people I am trying to make love me. Or somesuch. I think I did a better job of this in 2006. I could still do better, but I know I've made progress.
7. Completely read at least one new book a month. Does completing a book with 100 Suduko puzzles count as completing a book? Well, even if it does, I'm still not calling a win on this one. I think I totally completed about 5 books. I have about 25 at the foot of my desk that are half read. We'll hold onto this one for 2007.
8. Become more active in my community. Not really done this, but to my credit, our Home Owner's Association Flake/President keeps cancelling all the meetings at the last minute. Not that I had always planned on attending anyway, but you know.... Yeah, blew that one.
9. Write more. I guess after 8 years of writing professionally, I needed some down time from that. Plus, I was made to rewrite the instruction manual in my new job, so that sort of ruined the 'no work writing means more personal writing' theory.
10. One life improvement/resolution to be named later. I don't think I ever named this one. So, I'll name it now. Learn to cook. I've done that this year - at least somewhat. I mean, I haven't set the smoke alarm off in like months.
I think I'm gonna call that 5 wins/3 losses/1 tie. Not a great season, but probably good enough to keep me on as coach for another year.
I'll probably come out with my game plan for 2007 in a few days. And again, I'm guessing that "Stop Procrastinating" will already be eliminated from the list by the time I get around to writing it.
1. Lose more weight (84 pounds was the goal.) Yeah, pretty much blew that one. Although, I didn't gain any weight - I just held steady for the whole year. And really, in the last two weeks, I have had a quick burst of weight loss. I lost 6 pounds on the trip to London cause I hate their food and cause for some odd reason, 1,000 year old towers and abbeys do not have elevators - just lots and lots of steps. And lost another 4 in the two days before New Years due to some kind of stomach flu. So, 10 pounds down is a weight loss, so I'll take that as a win. I just didn't cover the point spread.
2. Travel more often. Let's see - went to Los Angeles, Dallas, Las Vegas three times, and a trip to London with my nephew. So, fewer destinations, but more trips overall - and definitely more distance covered. And every trip was a good one - so bonus points for that!
3. Still nothing to see here.
4. Get a new and improved job.Managed to do that within the first 2 weeks of the year. Earning a little more money, and learning a lot. Not sure it is the right fit for long term, but am trying to pick up all that I can so that I can leverage it into something even better.
5. Sell old house for my asking price. Move to new house.Had to come down off the asking price by a few thousand, but it all worked out perfectly. Sold the old one and then closed on the new one within a week of each other. Now, if I could just finish unpacking all those boxes.
6. Spend more time with the people I that love and that love me back. As opposed to spending more time with people I am trying to make love me. Or somesuch. I think I did a better job of this in 2006. I could still do better, but I know I've made progress.
7. Completely read at least one new book a month. Does completing a book with 100 Suduko puzzles count as completing a book? Well, even if it does, I'm still not calling a win on this one. I think I totally completed about 5 books. I have about 25 at the foot of my desk that are half read. We'll hold onto this one for 2007.
8. Become more active in my community. Not really done this, but to my credit, our Home Owner's Association Flake/President keeps cancelling all the meetings at the last minute. Not that I had always planned on attending anyway, but you know.... Yeah, blew that one.
9. Write more. I guess after 8 years of writing professionally, I needed some down time from that. Plus, I was made to rewrite the instruction manual in my new job, so that sort of ruined the 'no work writing means more personal writing' theory.
10. One life improvement/resolution to be named later. I don't think I ever named this one. So, I'll name it now. Learn to cook. I've done that this year - at least somewhat. I mean, I haven't set the smoke alarm off in like months.
I think I'm gonna call that 5 wins/3 losses/1 tie. Not a great season, but probably good enough to keep me on as coach for another year.
I'll probably come out with my game plan for 2007 in a few days. And again, I'm guessing that "Stop Procrastinating" will already be eliminated from the list by the time I get around to writing it.